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Korean Ground Beef and Rice

More often than not, I find myself driving home from work wondering, "What should I fix for dinner?" Meal planning used to be a part of our routine, but admittedly we have not been the best at figuring what we will eat for the week. So on more than one occassion we have had breakfast for dinner (not complaining), PB&J sandwiches or we raise the white flag and go out to eat. That is obviously not efficient, so I have been flipping through the ole' family cookbook and searching the internet for quick, go-to recipes. Today was much like any other Wednesday in our home. The hubs works late - which means my desire to cook plummets. However, I knew I had enough ingredients to cobble together a meal. So I do what any normal human does and Googled the crap out of recipes. In desperation I searched, "recipes with lean ground beef" and that, my friends is how I discovered Korean Ground Beef and Rice. Not only was this ridiculously easy to make but it is damn delic

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